Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

sepongbob ps1 with Psx

LAngsung sedot gan>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IN HERE

TEam BUDIES Ps1 With Psx

ALL akhirnya saya sudah menemukan Gamesz yg paling saya suka di antara game PS1 yg lain
nie jgn bayk baza bazi deghhh lngsung sedot aja

>>>> INI part 1 nya <<<< INI {95.7 MB}
>>>> INI part 2 nya <<<< INI {95.7 MB}
>>>> INI part 3 nya <<<< INI {52.9 MB} Please FoloWW yachhhh......!!!!!!!

Dragon Ball GT - Final Bout

Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout (USA) Free Download

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya share game DRAGON BALL GT, sobat blogger pasti sudah tau kan game yg satu ini. Game yang terkenal dari serial animasi di tv ini sangat enak untuk dimainkan untuk sekedar hiburan saja.
sobat bloger yang ingin mencoba silahkan download link dibawah.

Screenshot :
Uploader: rendy1287 
Category : Fighting Games
Size: 53.28MB
Original name: DragonBall GT - Final Bout (U).rar

Crus Gear Turbo Ps1 with Psx

  Siapa yang masih ingat game ini ?? Crush Gear dulu sempat populer banget. Jika sobat bermain dengan dua orang maka banyak sekali kan karakter yang masih tanda tanya ??? untuk membuka mereka sobat bisa berpetualang melawan satu per satu musuh setiap musuh yang sobat temui dan sobat kalahkan maka salah satu karakter itu akan terbuka. cek lah terlebih dahulu apakah sobat yakin Crush Gear sobat sudah benar benar dalam keadaan prima!! Game ini formatnya masih IMG untuk menjalankannya sobat bisa menggunakan sebuah software yaitu Epsxe atau PSX.

Screen Shot :

Name : Crush Gear Turbo
Size : 125 Mb
Type : Battle

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

PAC man pS1 With pSx

Pac Man World was released on the Playstation almost 20 years after the original Pac-Man. As such, it is an EXCELLENT platform title with engaging 3D levels and the old find the key open the lock gameplay mechanic. You're taken through a number of different levels. Our protagonist (no pun intended..) Pac Man, can pull off a number of smooth moves to aid him in his adventure.
As far as the story goes, Toc-Man has kidnapped Ms. Pac Man and a few other contemporaries. It's payback time and Pac Man must rescue his folks. You basically go through over 30 different mazes in various 3D levels to finish the game. You can spin roll and rev run through areas that are normally too difficult for our limb-less Pac Man to traverse :P
Enjoy this edition of our Best of Emuparadise series, and keep coming back for more!

Front Cover:

Back Cover:


Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Download PSX in Here...!!!

Yang pengen bisa maen game ps1 di pc berikut infox,,,
download psx >>>DI sIni<<<
Psx udach saya setting sehingga langsung bisa dimainkan

thh d atasz scren shoot nya... ^_^..!!!

Senin, 25 April 2011

3 EXtreme ps1 on pc...!!!

Terkadang kita suka kangen juga dengan game-game ps 1, memang tampilan game ps 1 kalah jauh bila di bandingkan dengan game-game zaman sekrang, tapi game ps tetap mempunyai nilai tersendiri di kalangan penggemarnya. Dahulu saya sudah pernah share game Crash Team Racing (CTR), Breath of Fire, Nascar Rumble dan Harvest Moon. Kini
saya akan share 3Xtreme

game Balapan yg satu ini sangat seru karena
kita bisa balapan sambil bergaya dan menghajar musuh2 kita

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DIGIMON World ps1 on pc..!!!

Terkadang kita suka kangen juga dengan game-game ps 1, memang tampilan game ps 1 kalah jauh bila di bandingkan dengan game-game zaman sekrang, tapi game ps tetap mempunyai nilai tersendiri di kalangan penggemarnya. Dahulu saya sudah pernah share game Crash Team Racing (CTR), Breath of Fire, Nascar Rumble dan Harvest Moon. Kini
saya akan share game PS 1 Digimon World 1.

Untuk memainkan game Digimon World 1 ini, komputer/laptop sobat blogger di haruskan sudah memiliki emulator buat ps 1.

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One piece Grand battle ps 1 on pc..!!!

game ini baru akan saya keluarkan besok
game onepiece adalah game pertempuran
antara para bajaklaut
pokok nya game ini seruu

karakter2 yang ada dlm game ini

Monkey D Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Princes Fivi
Nico Robin

dan masih banyak lagi ^_^
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VIGILANTE 8.2nd offense

Siapa sich yang gag tau game Vigilante
game ini keluaran tahun 2008
game ini game yg menceritakan tentang
pertempuran antara mobil2 canggih
dengan senjata2 yang mematikan

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CTR(Crash team racing)

CTR has the staying power to convert people who haven't ever liked a mascot racing game, and it will definitely please Mario Kart fans with its many tracks and options.

OK, let's say you're a big game company. You've got a mascot - he's absolutely huge with "the kids." You've made a nice little chunk of change off your little guy, but the kids are wising up to the fact that every game you've put out has only had minimal improvements over the previous one, and they aren't buying your little guy like they used to. You've got too much riding on him to stop now - action figures, shirts, and don't forget the talk of a cartoon that your licensing department keeps tossing around. You need a new hook... a new style of game to get the kids right back where you want them. But at the same time, you really don't actually want to have to think up a new concept for a game. So you do what so many developers have done before you - you toss your mascot, his arch nemesis, and a bunch of other characters from your games into go-karts. Then you start designing tracks filled with weapon power-ups. Before you know it, you're shipping yet another Mario Kart clone into the marketplace! Hey, big win, right? For most of the developers out there, the answer is no. Most of the Mario Kart clones that have come out thus far have either added unwelcome elements to the gameplay or have just plain sucked at ripping off the original console kart game. Naughty Dog, however, has managed to create a Mario Kart clone that does everything right. While it has a Diddy Kong Racing-like adventure element to it, as well as a bit of a storyline, it rarely aspires to be more than a great mascot racing game.
All the puppety oddballs in the world of Crash Bandicoot are preparing for the big race. They've all got their go-karts, and they're furiously tuning them up in hopes of victory. So, of course, that's a perfect time for an alien invasion. This alien is Nitrous Oxide, and he decides to up the stakes a bit. If he wins the race, he also wins the planet. So its up to you, as Crash, Polar, Cortex, or any one of the other racers to stop ol' N2O from winning. Much like battles in the video for Michael Jackson's "Beat It" were fought with the dance, the battles in this game are fought through the race.
Beyond the game's adventure mode, you can also go right to arcade mode and participate in one of four cup circuits. There's also a battle mode, which puts you in an arena full of weapons. The battle mode also has a team option, allowing for all sorts of different matchups. The versus mode lets two to four players race against each other on any of the game's tracks.The gameplay may be vintage Mario Kart (yes, it even has the little "hit the gas right before the race starts" speed boost), but the game's track design is top-notch. Be it a well-placed patch of ice in your path or a giant barrel that rolls back and forth across the road, interesting obstacles will get in your way in each level. Between that and the game's uncompromising first-place finish requirement, you'll have to take the time to learn the tracks before you can win. Sometimes, though, you'll need to rely on a well-placed missile or bomb to help you squeak into the lead at the last possible second. The AI is reasonably good. It starts out not knowing exactly how or when to use each weapon, but by the third world, you'll have a tough time keeping up if you can't handle your weaponry properly.
The Crash Bandicoot series has always had pretty smooth graphics, updating with the times quite nicely, and CTR is really no exception. The environments are reasonably large, and they convey the cartoon-like attitude of the game very nicely. The music and sound effects also push the game's cartoon theme, but it's not too over the top, so the cutesy themes never really get shoved down your throat.
Crash Team Racing may seem like just a Mario Kart clone. And, with the exception of an additional mode or two and the superior track design, it is. But it's a great Mario Kart clone, and it succeeds where the likes of Mega Man, Bomberman, Diddy Kong, the Chocobo, and even Mario himself have failed. CTR has the staying power to convert people who haven't ever liked a mascot racing game, and it will definitely please Mario Kart fans with its many tracks and options.

Download Crash Team Raching inhere

YU-GI-OH ps1 on pc..!!

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nah akli ini saya akan posting
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game ini menceritakan tentang
ingatan yugi yang hilang
dan kita akan di ajak melawan
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Sabtu, 23 April 2011

CyBrog kurochan ps1 on pc..!!!

Kuro-chan, sebuah kucing teman untuk pasangan tua, adalah, suatu hari, diculik oleh Dr Go (a.k.a Dr Mawari di Jepang), seorang ilmuwan jahat. Dr Go mengubah Kuro menjadi kucing cyborg. Namun, baru Kuro-chan tidak setia, dan laboratorium keluar Dr Go serta merusaknya. Dia kemudian menggunakan tubuh cyborg-nya, bersama dengan teknologi senjata, untuk melawan penjahat berbagai kejahatan, seperti robot kucing lainnya, dan orang asing.

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PEpsiman ps1 on pc..!

Pepsiman masi ingat game PS1 yang satu ini
dan yang bikin kita bisa menjadi ter bahak2
gag bakalan nyesel dech kalo download game ini

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